Do no harm

Dear President Biden, This morning, on the return leg of my walk, I crossed one of the light arterials in the neighborhood and on the far side of the street saw what looked like a stick covered with crushed peppermint candy heading north. Seriously. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was a six-inch …

He who does not name

Dear President Biden, I’m not quite done with the alumni magazine photo spread I brought up the other day. I neglected to tell you that all of the photos are credited and the apparent genders of the photographers add another layer to the Anonymous is Still a Woman story. Again, I am only focusing on …


Dear President Biden, I know this whole letter is going to feel super random but I need (actually need) to tell you about something that’s been troubling me since early yesterday morning. I’m guessing you’ve known about it since January 6th or 7th and that I’m just late to the party, but yesterday when I …