
Dear President Biden, I hope your Easter has been a meaningful one and that revisiting the resurrection story has brought you some joy, some real joy, the smiling through tears sort of joy. I got to experience some of that sort of joy this morning during our worship service – it was wholly unexpected and …

Michigan’s Mom

Dear President Biden, On Sunday we met a very sweet, very old black lab-mix named Michigan and her mom, whose name we of course didn’t get since when meeting people with dogs or small children one focuses only on those who can’t speak for themselves and end up having their names revealed whether they want …

A New Year haiku

Dear President Biden, Happy New Year to all of US! Here is a haiku to ponder as we make our way headlong into the new year: Twenty twenty-two;same old, same old, or can webreak free into love? May we all fall safely into new ways of being together.May we conjure joy every single day.May we …


Dear President Biden, I so hope you all are truly hard at work saving the planet – for reals. I know you and most other heads of state can’t make for real promises about cutting emissions and all the rest of it on your own, but somehow you all have to move beyond the “blah, …