A small, big, small thing

Dear President Biden, There’s just so much. So, so much. And it’s pretty distressing/depressing knowing that what I’m personally aware of from the news and from simply existing is just the barest tip of the proverbial iceberg. Do you sleep at night? At all? I don’t know if it’s because there’s so much heaviness and …


Dear President Biden, I hope your Easter has been a meaningful one and that revisiting the resurrection story has brought you some joy, some real joy, the smiling through tears sort of joy. I got to experience some of that sort of joy this morning during our worship service – it was wholly unexpected and …

Touching base

Dear President Biden, Thank you for the two semi-personalized responses to my letters your people sent recently. Somebody had to dig a bit to get the salutation right since I don’t think I’ve clicked on that field at all in months and months. The especially specific salutation was the main clue that the responses were …

Ominous omicron

Dear President Biden, It’s been quite a week, hasn’t it? Did you have a nice Thanksgiving last Thursday? I hope so. And did you observe National Native American Heritage Day on Friday? I hope so. As for us, the less said about the whole Thanksgiving deal the better. I will tell you, though, that 3 …