Please take care

Dear President Biden, I’m sending along this note to let you know that despite not being a total fan of yours, I’m feeling pretty darn worried about your upcoming NATO trip to Belgium. No doubt all stops will be pulled to keep you and the other NATO leaders safe, but doesn’t it seem like the …

A kind of a tell

Dear President Biden, So much has been happening lately – so much heavy awful stuff – that almost everything I’ve thought to write to you about has ended up feeling too trivial to bother with. I mean, what’s the point of bringing up climate change, income inequality, voter suppression, or worries about more covid mutations …

Touching base

Dear President Biden, Thank you for the two semi-personalized responses to my letters your people sent recently. Somebody had to dig a bit to get the salutation right since I don’t think I’ve clicked on that field at all in months and months. The especially specific salutation was the main clue that the responses were …